About me

Graduated from BITS, I am a web developer who is focused on Front End development.

Making interfaces for mobiles, tablets and desktop computers is my thing. I make the transformation of the concept made by the designers into something that can be seen and interacted with on the screen.

I have also learned to make applications using ReactJS.

Constant learning gives an edge in technology is my belief, so I keep learning through multiple mediums and implementing at realtime hands-on.

I also write a tech blog about my learnings.


HTML5 (level: advanced)

  • Good at writing meaningful and semantic HTML
  • Very much intrigued by the philosophy of polymer and always looking to implement something similar in my code

CSS (level: medium to advanced)

  • Know how to write media queries in order have a proper layout and structure in tablet and mobile
  • Like to write a lot of CSS to create proper layouts for the page/application
  • Use a LESS or SASS preprocessor to make CSS more re-usable
  • Learning to make CSS more maintainable and well organized using naming conventions and custom libraries for the commonly used CSS utilities

Javascript (level: medium)

  • Created single page applications using React JS
  • Created state management for React application using Redux
  • Learning to use ES6 and Babel.
  • Learned how to write unit test cases using Jest, React Testing Library and to implement mock api requests using MSW
  • Previously used Angular js version 1 to make DOM manipulations, interactive elements and have modular front end code (now using ReactJS to achieve the same)
  • Familiar with creating simple command line tools using Javascript in the node.js environment
  • Moderate knowledge of vanilla Javascript
  • Comfortable with jQuery


Completed MSc.(Tech.) Information Systems course in Goa, India (at the university, Birla Insitute of Technology and Science KK Birla, Goa campus).


I have worked in various organizations for more than 5 years, excluding the period when I did freelance work.

Autonom8 Inc., Chennai, India (March 2023 - December 2023)

  • Worked on building features and making bug fixes for their platform A8 Studio using ReactJS, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
  • Worked on creating state management for their application using Redux.

Infosys Limited, was working from Madurai, India (June 2021 - August 2022)

  • Worked on creating a functionality for a website using jQuery
  • Created a component using React JS and Typescript (It was a calendar component where the user can select a range of dates and can also move forward or backward by a week). Also wrote unit test cases for the component using Jest and Enzyme
  • Worked on a project using React JS, Typescript and Redux (Displaying offers in products shown on a page that belonged to a vendor)
  • Worked on a project that uses jQuery and SQL queries

Freelance work on various projects, Madurai, India (January 2020 - May 2021)

Netcom computers India Pvt. Ltd., Tirunelveli, India (As a web developer - January 2018 to March 2019)

  • Enhanced their main website.
  • Created a short one page website for their Mediaworks business.
  • Created a website for Kevin’s Production which is about kids and activities for kids.

Freelance Developer, Chennai, India (As web developer - January 2017 to December 2017)

  • Built a website for the solar energy company called Dunamis, designed it using HTML and CSS.
  • Created a wordpress blog to write opinions about political issues.
  • Created a blog for the company Charmboard, designed it using HTML and CSS.
  • Created a corporate website for the company Charmboard, designed it using HTML and CSS.

Octopouce digital (Under Pink Art Ltd.), Mauritius Islands (As Lead Front End Developer - September 2015 to November 2016)

  • Created websites using Angular JS version 1 (all the interactive elements of the website, animations and for displaying model data in views across the website)
  • Integrating HTML views within the backend framework and templating engine blade
  • Enhancing existing automated tasks (using grunt or gulp) and creating some new ones to have a better work­flow
  • Creating visual layouts from mockups using Bootstrap CSS and media queries
  • Using Bootstrap SASS for making uniform custom themes
  • Using Compass, a SASS library to create image sprites or add vendor prefixes automatically
  • Effectively using version control system git
  • Attempt to create desktop application using NWJS (an application for project managers to easily correct textual content in code)
  • Experimenting with node applications (for CSS fontface generation, markdown generation to name a few)

Ipedis India, Chennai, India (As Front End Developer - February 2015 to August 2015)

  • Created websites using properly semantic HTML, CSS with LESS preprocessor
  • Learned Angular JS version 1 under the guidance of the CTO (Yanis Ghidouche)
  • Learned to work with task manager (grunt) and version control system (git)
  • Created challenging designs and layouts using Bootstrap CSS and media queries

Freelance Developer, Pune, India (May 2012 to December 2014)

  • Designed simple websites and interfaces using Bootstrap
  • Created dynamic elements of a websites using javascript APIs (geolocation, custom interaction with youtube videos, maps etc)
  • Created application with HTML templates using mustache JS
  • Dabbled with a little bit of PHP (for storing user data from forms, using php mailer to send confirmation e-mail, using of grocery CRUD for backend admin interface)

DotAhead (now called ScreenRoot), Goa, India (As Design Specialist - July 2011 to April 2012)

  • Created static websites using HTML, CSS and javascript
  • Created some interactive elements using jQuery plugins (carousels for images, dialogues that take user input and send information via ajax and HTML forms with client side validation)
  • Went through the painstaking process of developing compatibility for IE6

TransGraph, Hyderabad, India (As an Intern - January 2011 to June 2011)

  • Created HTML forms for internal applications
  • Created simple UI using jQuery UI
  • Integrated HTML views with business logic written in C#