Me as a professional

I am a front end developer.

Started out as someone who wrote websites using plain HTML and CSS, carving out images from a photoshop mockup and making sure nothing slipped out of place on IE5.5

My focus

  1. I enjoy working on creative front end stuff in general.
  2. I like to experiment with various javascript frameworks and go out of the way to make any possible workflow customizations, right from task runners to text editor plugins, down all the way to shell scripts that make life easier.
  3. I also enjoy peer programming, helping solve a problem by just listening and providing valuable feedback.
  4. I also like to have a clear view of the project that I work on and almost always provide my insight about where it’s at.


There is a lot of tehchnophobia everywhere.

People are afraid of code or to talk know about technologies.

I want to be part of building a programming environment that would be really easy to get familiarized to. It would be something that could be used by creatives, developers and executives alike, each in their own way.

Each one of these would get to interact with their machines in their own terms and in their own universe of words.

It’s a far away dream, but we can get there :)

My strengths

I am a person who is creative and also delivers.

I am mostly working with front end technologies, so at the end of the day I make interfaces for mobiles, tablets and desktop computers. A lot of effort goes into making the concept made by the designers into something that you can see and interact with on the screen.

My ideal working environment is where the doors for conversations are always open and ideas are constantly exchanged.

I am usually very reserved. I prefer to communicate in writing a lot, but I proiritize getting though hurdles of mis-communication when there is a lack of clarity.

Although I might not have good presentation skills I usually feel comfortable talking about something that I am good at.