While building a React application, it is possible that we need a huge static file to be fetched asynchronously.

So instead of using import pokeDex from './pokedex.json', we can fetch the pokedex.json file using the Fetch API and onced it its dowloaded, we can incorporate it in our code.

Let’s see how this can be done.

Suppose we have a class component in React named PokeList. We want to fetch the pokedex.json file inside this component. So, in the componentDidMount life-cycle method, we can add the following:

componentDidMount() {
    .then( response => {
        if (response.ok) {
            return response.json()
        throw response
    }).then (data => {
        this.setState({pokeDex: data})
    }).catch (error => {
        console.error("An error occurred: ", error)
    }).finally(() => {
        this.setState({loading: false})

The URL https://blenderous.github.io/blog-assets/json/pokedex.json could be changed to wherever you have hosted your pokedex.json file.

So the React app can now get the data from the file and add it to the state of the component.

And when everything is finished, the loading state can be set to false so that in the UI we can show the data instead of a loading text or spinner.